Ebook {Epub PDF} Kiss the Sunset Pig by Laurie Gough
On her trip to California, Gough plays Joni Mitchell's "California" that includes the phrase "kiss the sunset pig." She carries a tattered notebook called "Cave Journal" and would like to find that cave on the Pacific again, where she spent some time thirteen years previously/5(15). The book is entitled "Kiss the Sunset Pig" by Canadian author Laurie Gough. It is a travel book about Laurie's trip by car from Ontario, Canada to California. I'm sorry I don't have the book anymore to give you exact references to Joni Mitchell in the book but the title is of course relevant - and questioned by the author in the book as to the exact origin and meaning of the phrase. Read "Kiss The Sunset Pig A Canadian's American Road Trip With Exotic Detours" by Laurie Gough available from Rakuten Kobo. In this lyrical, poetic, and charmingly funny book, Laurie Gough drives from Ontario to California reflecting on a life 5/5.
by Laurie Gough [Penguin Group (Canada) - ] ISBN ASIN: The book is entitled "Kiss the Sunset Pig" by Canadian author Laurie Gough. It is a travel book about Laurie's trip by car from Ontario, Canada to California. I'm sorry I don't have the book anymore to give you exact references to Joni Mitchell in the. Kiss The Sunset Pig By:"Laurie Gough" Published on by Penguin. E-book Library:"Travel" In this lyrical, poetic, and charmingly funny book, Laurie Gough drives from Ontario to California reflecting on a life spent travelling in search of new experiences and familiar sensations. Find Kiss the Sunset Pig by Gough, Laurie at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.
On her trip to California, Gough plays Joni Mitchell's "California" that includes the phrase "kiss the sunset pig." She carries a tattered notebook called "Cave Journal" and would like to find that cave on the Pacific again, where she spent some time thirteen years previously. Find Kiss the Sunset Pig by Gough, Laurie at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. KISS THE SUNSET PIG: AN AMERICAN ROAD TRIP WITH EXOTIC DETOURS by Laurie Gough (published by Penguin in Canada and the U.S., and by Summersdale in the U.K.) In a beater car named Marcia, Gough reflects on a life spent traveling as she heads west across the USA towards her dreamland of California.