Ebook {Epub PDF} Life on Foot: A Walk Across America by Nate Damm
Nate Walks America. 1, likes. Follow me as I walk across America from Delaware to California. Quick note: I don't usually respond to status comments, write on my wall if you have a specfic. Maine man’s walk across America filled with danger, colorful characters, beauty, and great stories. Reviewed in the United States on Ma. Verified Purchase. Somehow Nate Damm, tossing aside everything in his life to walk 3, miles across America, confused and /5(). Somehow Nate Damm, tossing aside everything in his life to walk 3, miles across America, confused and alone, became a wonderful writer. Maybe it happened in Kansas, because despite all the warnings to avoid that state, Nate loved it. You tend to do well the things you love/5().
Attorney, adventurer, and author Tyler Coulson walked across America in with his dog, Mabel. Contributor Nate Damm did it in , and contributors John and Kait Seyal did it in , with three therapy dogs. Coulson shares lessons that you can only learn on the road, from common sense to highway secrets. Combine EditionsNate Damm's books. Nate Damm. Average rating: · ratings · 83 reviews · 5 distinct works • Similar authors. Life on Foot: A Walk Across America. avg rating — ratings — published — 2 editions. Want to Read. saving. Want to Read. Currently Reading. Curious about how to walk across America or whether it is even possible? A few years back, Nate Damm set out from the Atlantic Ocean in Delaware and began walking west. More than 3, miles and seven months later, Nate walked across America and dipped his toes in the Pacific Ocean in California.
More than 3, miles and seven months later, Nate walked across America and dipped his toes in the Pacific Ocean in California. Nate embarked on a solo journey across an immense country that was mostly new to him; not knowing if he’d be able to find a place to sleep on any given night, or what sort of people he’d encounter in the next town over. Merely said, the life on foot a walk across america kindle edition nate damm is universally compatible subsequently any devices to read. Does God Order Our Steps? (5 Steps in our Walk in Life · When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble But the path of the just is like the shining sun. Kindle Price: $ includes tax, if applicable. Buy now with 1-Click ®. promotions apply when you purchase. These promotions will be applied to this item: Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers.