Ebook {Epub PDF} The Royal Road to Romance: Travelers Tales Classics by Richard Halliburton

The Royal Road to Romance is the travel classic in which a happy, young romanticist goes laughing and beating and fighting his vagabond way into the glamorous corners of the bltadwin.ru Richard Halliburton graduated from Princeton, he chose adventure over a career, traveling to far away places. The Royal Road to Romance () is his report of his grand adventure, a narrative of some sixteen months of "hobohemism" across the globe. His mother must have been mortified when she read it. It's a jolly tale told with dash in impetuous, flamboyant prose that fully captures the author's youthful energy/5. “When Richard Halliburton graduated from college, he chose adventure over a career, traveling the world with almost no money. The Royal Road to Romance chronicles what happens as a result, from a breakthrough Matterhorn ascent to being jailed for taking forbidden pictures on bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins.

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